In an era of rapid changes in business and technology, having the right skills in the right place at the right time is essential to success. You have to know what needs to be done in order to get people to do it.
And, you need to know how jobs might change as your business environment changes. Then you can find people with the right skills. Easy, right?
Of course not: There is simply too much uncertainty among those looking for talent, those with useful skills, and those seeking to develop valuable capabilities. Consequently, a lot of time and money is wasted on developing, finding, hiring, and keeping highly capable people.
Equity has a better way: Job mapping.
A job map is a detailed description of what is done where, when, and how within an organization. Equity makes it easy to capture all of this information. Our collaborative, open approach makes it easy to get accurate and complete knowledge about what needs to get done.
Job mapping enables employees work together better, and provides a foundation for assessing, guiding, and managing employee performance. Employees need to know what needs to be done.
Customers want to know, too. Job maps let companies show they have all of the capabilities necessary to do what customers need done.
Economic and workforce development professionals need to know about workforce needs in order to help meet them. Job maps can show current and future workforce demand across a region or industry sector.
Job maps are power tools for competitiveness and productivity.
In the past, job mapping was practically impossible, especially for growing, mid-sized organizations, creating costs and headaches for everyone and undermining growth in revenue and wages.
That’s why Eduity’s first goal is to make job mapping so easy that every organization with any employees can create a job map. It's why we are making this tool available for free to any and all employers.
We want to transform workforce planning and development by enabling everyone to plan and develop together. An easy, free, and powerful job mapping tool is just the first step.
Please, try out the alpha-version of Eduity and let us know what you think about job mapping: How well does it work, how might you use it, and how can we improve it.