Welcome to Eduity
Discover a radically better way to get the right skills in the right place at the right time Collaborative Workforce Planning
What is Eduity?
Eduity is an online tool for crowd-sourcing workforce via collaborative planning. It makes it easy for people to identify and meet workforce needs together.
Currently, Eduity focuses on workforce demand. In the near future Eduity will aggregate information about employers' needs to guide individuals' development. Eduity will provide means to recognize and reward people for supporting each other's success and for helping to meet employers' needs.
A Job Inventorying and Forecasting Tool
Eduity makes it easy for employers to inventory work functions, forecast employment, and get feedback from experts from the corner office to the shop floor. Then Eduity aggregates the data to provide meaningful, useful insights. Each inventory adds to a complete, comprehensive inventory of where workforce demand is going tomorrows, as well as what’s needed today.
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Area Job Inventories
Eduity’s area job inventories connect employers that need capable people to people who want do more and get better at what they do. Workforce gaps become obvious and so do resources to fill those gaps. Eduity enables educators, mentors, and workforce developers to focus their efforts where they will have the most impact, without guesswork.
A Social Platform
Everybody has a piece to the workforce puzzle. Eduity is online software that brings all of those pieces together. Collaboratively anticipate and articulate workforce needs. Avoid lay-offs and shortages. Provide guidance and support to others. Get recognized and rewarded for what you do, and for helping others. Eduity’s vision is for all of this to be easy and interconnected.
Let’s All Speak the Same Language
Eduity is based on standard O*NET data, which incorporates all of the key information about occupations into a system everyone can use. Eduity allows you to customize data to fit you and your work, use it as a touchstone for collaborative planning, and to let others know exactly what you do and need.
What Eduity Can Do For You
Eduity is an easy and effective way to get shared understanding of workforce needs and plans.
Individuals make better decisions about what skills to develop and how to develop them, improving productivity and increasing incomes.
Employers reduce hiring costs, retain current employees, and make sure their employees have just the right skills, becoming more competitive and profitable.
Regional and industry leaders boost the value of membership and strengthen stakeholder relationships, growing the economy and improving educational outcomes.
Eduity can help you do better and make more, together.
Eliminate Uncertainty and Risk
Clarity about workforce demand and supply promotes investment in capabilities and economic growth. Whether applying for college, hiring employees, or recruiting industry, everyone benefits from information about available and needed skills.
Assure a Perfect Fit
O*NET data includes information necessary for aligning individual traits with organizational culture. Eduity's social features make it easy to connect with, guide, and support others, to validate requirements and verify qualifications.
Recognize and Reward
Workforce planning and development isn't just about hiring. It's also about developing, engaging, and retaining capable employees. Eduity provides means to recognize improvements, and to reward those who help others.
Identify Skill Gaps and Underutilized Talent
Too many people have untapped potential, and too many companies overwork key personnel. By empowering people with connections and information, Eduity makes it easy to maximize the value of your capabilities, as a community, an employer, and as a person.
From the Blog: Capabilities and Their Development
Capabilities are the developed and inherent characteristics of people to get things done, basically abilities times capacity. Only individual people have capabilities. Others can experience, measure, or observe the results of people’s capabilities but they can't directly develop or mobilize capabilities. Firms, institutions, and other…
Read More »Who Is Eduity?
Eduity is an early-stage start-up company dedicated to the idea that everyone can and should be involved in workforce planning and development. Our basic business model is "input for free, insights for a fee" software-as-a-service for regions, organizations, and individuals. We see a huge potential market for Eduity. In the near future we will be providing a fee-based services to build area job inventories and to generate organizational reports such as competency models, performance rubrics, staffing plans, and training checklists. We will also be developing tools for individuals to collaboratively create and implement personal workforce plans.

It’s challenging to be both practical and visionary. I’m delighted to take this challenge head-on. Extensive experience in business, economic development, education, and technology led me to develop an innovative and unique solution to the skills gap. Now the challenge is to translate Eduity from idea into reality. Do you see the need and opportunity for workforce innovation? Are you interested in helping to solve this critical problem? Drop me a line, I’d love to talk about Eduity, where it is, where it’s going, and how we get there.